
Kenzie Hunt

This lovely lady is my beautiful cousin and wonderful friend Kenzie. We headed down to Austin, Texas for an entire day of shooting. We trekked all over downtown and Zilker Park. We even stopped for lunch at Chuy's! Mmmm Creamy Jalapeño Sauce. It turned out to be an amazing day! It had been rainy and overcast when we left but as soon as we got to Austin the sun was shining full blast. Austin is such a beautiful and eclectic city just like Kenzie. I hoped to capture both of those qualities during this shoot. She is a freshman in college now and loving it! I love her so much and am very grateful God gave her to me. I love you Kenz Kenz...thanks for letting me take them and for having such a great time doing it. :)

*P.S. Shout-out to my other cousin, Kaegan (her older brother) for being my assistant. :) Someone had to hold the umbrella for my lighting! Thanks!


  1. I Love them you are so gifted and she is very pretty!

  2. Cassie, these photos are fantastic! I LOVE the one of her on the porch steps of the shop where she's looking down and laughing, and the ones with the mirrors (all three-or was it four?), the one of her in the headband looking over her shoulder, the landscape one of her sitting on the sloping ground leaning against the wall (the effect with the boots in the portrait one from the different angle is neat, too). I also love the close-up portrait of her leaning against the wall where she's looking down to her right, the ones of her red high heels (I'm a huge fan of feet and their significance), and then WOW! the one of her walking away with the hokey pokey sign. Many of these pics could easily be on an album spread for a music artist. Great job!

  3. Theses are all fantastic but the one--where she's looking over her shoulder right at the camera with a head band and the wind blowing her hair--is really amazing. A shot that is natural, has great composition & colors. Very professional.

  4. Love! Made me smile all over again especially since I know how much fun you all had that day!
    & your background picture is so, so sweet!
